The first night the campers and staff are here at Manitou, they experience one of the most iconic aspects of a camp summer: the sunset over the waterfront. Beyond the picturesque scenery the lake offers, East Pond also offers a plethora of opportunities for the campers to take to the water.

Campers take elective instructionals, which range from water skiing, to stand up paddle-boarding, swimming, wake-surfing and sailing. The staff that run these instructionals are experienced, and excited to share their love of the water with the campers. The skills, and passion, developed at the lake are lasting.

The memories that are created at the waterfront are not only made during instructionals, but whenever the campers gather near the lake; both in formal and informal settings. For example, the Fourth of July (which was actually the Eleventh of July this year due to a rain-check) is celebrated with a fireworks show over East Pond. The entire camp community gathers at the waterfront to share the moment. Smiling, cheering, and chatting with their close friends.

Camp Meeting is another tradition that brings everyone together by the lake. With a campfire in the background, a senior staff member leads the camp in reflection, notable camp stories, and song. Camp Meetings involve older campers, new and veteran staff, members of the camp band, a ‘letter home’, and the entire camp locked arm in arm as they sing the camp alma mater and fight song.

While group events are memorable, unstructured and unplanned gatherings are really special. Friendships are formed and developed through those informal moments of discussion and play.

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