Travel to Camp

By Plane

Manitou’s travel agent, Dianne Doucette at Atlas Travel, is happy to assist with any of your travel bookings for trips to Maine. Dianne is also the travel agent for Camp Matoaka and Camp Somerset, so she can coordinate bookings for families with a camper at each camp, and help get brothers and sisters on the same flights to make travel day logistics easier on families.

Dianne Doucette
Atlas Travel
Phone: (508) 488-1193
Fax: (508) 488-1593

For those who require a flight, you may send your son on one of Manitou’s escorted group flights (see below) or fly individually. We also list recommended flights which are NOT escorted (unless we have a minimum of 10 campers on the flight). Please contact our travel agent and see the section below for details on the recommended flights.

Escorted Flights

Manitou offers escorted group flights from the areas listed below. To book a flight, please use the Group Flight Sign-Up Form.

  • Washington DC
  • Baltimore
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Philadelphia
  • Miami
  • Ft. Lauderdale
  • NYC & Newark
  • Atlanta

Other Cities: Please let our travel agent know if you would like to inquire about a group flight from your area (if not listed). If we get enough campers for a region (and session) we will try to organize a group flight.

There will be pick-up and drop-off charges if your son is flying into Portland Jetport ($50) or Logan (Boston) Airport ($105). The charge will be listed on your final bill in March.

Recommended & Individual Flights

Recommended, but unescorted, flights from other parts of the country are available. While not escorted, there are usually a number of other campers on the flight. Our staff will be on hand in Portland to pick up your son as soon as he disembarks. If we end up having 10 campers on any of these flights, we will chaperone the flight! Details for each of these flights can be found by contacting the camp travel agent.

If you would like to fly individually, our travel agent is happy to assist in your booking. We ask that all flights arrive into Portland between 10:00am and 2:00pm on arrival day and depart between 10:00am and 2:00pm on departure day. Once booked, please fill out the Transportation From in your myManitou account.

By Bus

Bus travel to and from camp for all sessions will be available. Bus pick-up and drop-off locations, as well as one-way charges are listed below:

  • Burlington, MA ($145)
  • New Rochelle, NY ($185)
  • Fairfield, CT ($185)

Bus charges will be listed on your final invoice. If you would like to reserve space on one of the buses, please log into your myManitou account and fill out the Transportation Form.

Specific drop-off and pick-up locations and times will be emailed directly.

By Automobile

You may drop-off or pick-up your camper at Manitou. Plan to drop your son off between 2 and 3:30pm and pick him up between 9 and 11am. Staff will be on hand to assist.

Please let us know if you will be picking up or dropping off your camper on the Transportation Form in your myManitou account. For directions, click here.

Transportation Form

Once you have decided how your son(s) will be traveling, please log into your myManitou account, click on Forms & Documents and click on the Online Transportation Form. All forms and documents for the summer will be posted in myManitou and the camp will send an email describing steps required for each form as it becomes available.

Those who book a group flight with Dianne at Atlas Travel do not need to complete the Travel Form in your myManitou account. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the camp at .

Campers and staff walking with luggage on opening day.


For shipping luggage to and from camp, we recommend Ship Camps. They provide door-to-door pickup and delivery of your son’s luggage and have served Manitou families well.

Ship Camps

If Ship Camps does not service your area, we recommend the UPS Store in Waterville, ME. Their number is (207) 877-7867.

No trunks or duffel bags are allowed on buses or airport vans due to space limitations. To foster a comfortable opening to camp, staff members completely unpack all campers prior to their arrival. For that reason, all camper luggage must arrive at least 4 days prior to opening day.

