Communicating with Camp


The Manitou Office is open 7 days a week from 7:30am until 9:00pm.

Phone: (207) 465-2271
Fax: (203) 286-2555

Friendly and professional office staff are on hand to answer calls and handle emails. Campers and staff keep them busy, so if you have trouble getting through, please leave a message, or try again, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Also, the office staff does not know the answer to every single question (though they are close), and will work diligently to get you an answer or get in touch with someone at camp who can help.


Should you want to speak with a director, assistant director, unit leader or the camper specialist, please contact them through the camp office. You can also send an email to and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person. Directors are happy to talk with parents but are only available in the office for a limited and regularly changing time each day. Their first priority is being out with the campers! Should there be an emergency, you will be contacted immediately. Otherwise, please allow 24 hours for a response.