Staff Resources

Working on staff, guiding boys’ growth and development, is a heavy responsibility. It’s incredibly rewarding but should not be approached lightly. The following resources will give you a great head start.

ACA Online Training Courses and Webinars

ACA’s online courses and webinars provide self-directed and learning experiences designed for camp and youth development professionals, from directors and administrators to program managers and frontline staff.

ACA Professional Development Center

ACA’s Professional Development Center (PDC) connects camp and youth professionals to quality lifelong learning experiences.

ACA’s Learning Center

Great online courses for summer staff. Begin training before you arrive at camp.

The Camp Counselor

The Camp Counselor works with summer camps to train staff, designing programs, guiding administrators, writing curriculum and a whole lot more! Consultant and Trainer, Scott Arizala, specializes in energetic, fun and professional workshops on a range of topics.

Dr. Michael Thompson

A clinical psychologist, school consultant and international speaker on the subjects of children, schools and parenting, with special emphasis on the impact of camp experiences.

Dr. Christopher Thurber

Dr. Christopher Thurber, a board-certified clinical psychologist and internationally-recognized expert on education, youth development, mental health and summer camp.

Bob Ditter

A well-regarded child, adolescent and family therapist from Boston, Massachusetts, Bob Ditter works with youth organizations across the country, including Sea World, the Salvation Army, and many summer camps.

Expert Online Training

EOT’s internationally renowned faculty has created nearly 100 innovative videos that will teach you how to supervise, lead and nurture healthy relationships with your campers.

Tour Maine

The wonders of Maine are an inseparable part of the summer experience at Manitou. Familiarize yourself with one of the most beautiful states in the country.

In addition to the resources listed above, a detailed Staff Guide will be sent to all hired staff prior to the summer.