No Packages

Packages often create an unhealthy competition among campers.

Also, the anticipation of receiving package can shift the emphasis at camp from fun to awaiting the arrival of the mail.

Our policy, detailed below, extends to all parents, relatives and friends. In order to ensure fairness, the following will be strictly enforced.

What is allowed?

  • Regular first class letter envelopes
  • Magazines, books and photographs that fit in any 9 x 12 flat envelope are fine to send occasionally. These flat envelopes will be opened by our office staff and distributed through our regular mail system.
  • If your son arrives at camp and is missing equipment, our office staff will contact you and an exception will be made to the package policy.

What is not allowed?

  • Any package larger than a 9 x 12 flat envelope (except College League items)
  • Anything that does not meet the above criteria
  • Anything that contains food or non-reading material

As with everything we do, the camp aims to keep the value and safety of your son’s experience at Manitou on the highest level.